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时间:2022-11-06 13:40:17 来源:网友投稿





 Period One

  题组 A 基础练 (建议用时:5 分钟) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He’s ________ (慷慨的) and, you know, very nice, very polite. 2.She solved the problem ________ (创造性地). 3.The history of ________ (人类) is the history of ideas. 4.He needed surgery to ________ (治愈) a troublesome back injury. 5.Her dedication to her work was ________ (令人钦佩的). 6.They carried out land ________ (改革) in 1952. 7.It was a ________ (非凡的) achievement. 8.Laws are based on the principles of ________ (公正). 【答案】1.generous 2.creatively 3.mankind 4.cure 5.admirable 6.reform 7.remarkable 8.justice Ⅱ.完成句子 1.Frank, what do you ________ ________ ________? 弗兰克,你怎么想? 2.The plant is now________ ________of extinction. 这种植物现在有绝种的危险。

 3.A teacher should teach________ ________knowledge________ ________morals. 一个老师不仅要传授知识,还要教会德行。

 4.I ________ ________have gone through a lot of money. 我似乎已经花了很多钱了。

 5.It’s natural to________ ________ ________ danger. 害怕危险是正常的。

 【答案】1.have in mind 2.in danger 3.not only;but also 4.seem to 5.be afraid of 题组 B 提升练

 (建议用时:20 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 Naomi Shihab Nye has lots of things to write about.She never seems to run out of ideas, Naomi writes poetry for young people and adults, but she is also the author

 of essays, children’s picture books, songs, and a novel for teenagers. Where does Naomi get her ideas? She sees poetry in the details of everyday life, like the way things smell or taste, the sounds of nature, the voices of her family, and the colors of a flower or a bird’s wing or a strawberry. Naomi’s poetry is also often influenced by places she has lived in and visited.Naomi was raised by her Palestinian father and American mother.She grew up in St.Louis, Missouri, US, Jerusalem Israel; and San Antonio, Texas, US.Each of these places has its own unique features, which Naomi has described with her rich, descriptive language. Naomi also writes about her double cultures and the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East.Today, Naomi has settled down in San Antonio.She knows many people who have a Mexican-American identity, and she works their experiences into her poetry.Naomi focuses on the ways that people of different cultures and backgrounds are similar rather than different.She has even traveled to the Middle East and Asia to promote international goodwill through the arts.Naomi firmly believes in the power of writing to change the world and help people find common ground. Naomi Shihab Nye began writing poetry as soon as she learned how to write.She published her first poem when she was only seven years old! Since that time, Naomi has written and edited more than 20 books.She often tells young writers to write about their daily lives—the things they observe and the feelings they have.That’s a good reminder for a writer! (

 )1.Which of the following best describes Naomi according to Paragraph 1? A.Optimistic.

  B.Productive. C.Generous.

  D.Traditional. (

 )2.How does Naomi get her ideas? A.By observing the world around her. B.By visiting many different people. C.By reading famous writers’ works. D.By comparing features of different places. (

 )3.Where does Naomi live now? A.In Missouri, US.

  B.In Mexico. C.In Texas, US.

  D.In Israel. (

 )4.What can we learn about Naomi from the last two paragraphs?

 A.She has a strong sense of social responsibility. B.She focuses more on cultural differences. C.She lived a hard life in childhood. D.She writes books for improving writing skills. 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了作家 Naomi 的生平。

 1.B 推理判断题。optimistic 乐观的;productive 多产的;generous 慷慨的;traditional 传统的。根据文章第一段可知,Naomi 的写作范围很广,因此推断她写了许多作品,是一个“多产的”作家。故选 B 项。

 2.A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,Naomi 通过观察她周围的世界得到了写作的想法。故选 A 项。

 3.C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Today,Naomi has settled down in Antonio”和第三段中“and San Antonio,Texas,US.”可知,圣安东尼奥是美国德克萨斯州的城市。因此 Naomi 现在生活在美国德克萨斯州。故选 C 项。

 4.A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段可知,Naomi 具有强烈的社会责任感。故选 A项。

 ★阅读加油站 run out of 用完;用尽 unique features 特色;特性 settle down 定居 focus on 聚焦;关注 common ground 共同点;一致之处 She sees poetry in the details of everyday life, like the way things smell or taste, the sounds of nature, the voices of her family, and the colors of a flower or a bird’s wing or a strawberry. 她在日常生活中看到了诗歌,如事物发出嗅觉和味觉的方式,天籁之声,家人的温馨话语,花朵的色彩,小鸟展翅翱翔,或者一颗草莓。

 Ⅱ.完形填空 Giorgio is among the countless people who have made videos on the TikTok platform during the pandemic.Little did he know where they would lead, but surely they bring a touch of __1__ to the fight against the suffering days. In January, Giorgio would __2__ hear muffled(低沉的) melodies through the wall of his home; it__3__ that his neighbor was playing the piano.Giorgio was really enjoying the music and began __4__ videos in which his neighbor’s talents could be heard. In February, he posted a video saying he left a(n) __5__ to his neighbor asking if the __6__person could play the famous melody My




 On .The neighbor’

 s answer was __7__when the piece came from the other side.So began a __8__.In another note, Giorgio __9__ that they play The





 as a duo(二重奏).The Italian was at first a little __10__ when he started, but he felt happy the moment he heard the music coming from the other side. The two went on to play many more duos but Giorgio stayed curious about his unknown neighbor.Finally, they __11__.It was Emil and he was 78 years old.__12__ from Poland, Emil’s wife had just passed away and he was staying alone in a temporary accommodation.The only __13__ left to Emil was his piano. But, on March 14, the sad news of Emil’s death __14__ him.“Dear Emil,” he wrote __15__ his neighbor, “knew very little about you, but you gave me back my passion, and we shared that with the world.You’ll be in my heart.Bye, my friend, Emil.” (


 B.positivity C.honesty

  D.security (


  B.excitedly C.surprisedly

  D.occasionally (


  B.seemed C.turned out

  D.went out (


  B.sharing C.purchasing

  D.advertising (


  B.letter C.invitation

  D.request (


  B.emotional C.professional

  D.mysterious (


  B.timely C.self-evident

  D.negative (


  B.friendship C.concert

  D.journey (


  B.wished C.ordered

  D.decided (


  B.serious C.nervous

  D.scared (


  B.reunited C.responded

  D.met (




  D.Similarly (


  B.hope C.bond

  D.comfort (


  B.troubled C.horrified

  D.clouded (

 )15.A.in return for

  B.in place of C.in memory of

  D.in response to 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了在疫情期间,由于音乐互相吸引,居家的 Giorgio与邻居 Emil 开启了一段友谊。

 1.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不过,给他们与苦难作斗争带来了一丝积极的情绪。A.bravery 勇敢;B.positivity 积极性;C.honesty 诚实;D.security 安全。前文说到“Little did he know where they would lead, but”中的 but 以及后文“to the fight against the suffering days”可知,应用乐观来对待苦难的日子。故选 B 项。

 2.A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:透过墙,Giorgio 频繁地听到了低沉的旋律。A.frequently 频繁地;B.excitedly 激动地;C.surprisedly 惊奇地;D.occasionally 偶尔地。根据下文“Giorgio was really enjoying the music and began __4__videos in which his neighbor’s talents could be heard.”可推测,邻居应该是经常弹奏音乐,所以 Giorgio才想把这些音乐录下来。故选 A 项。

 3.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:结果证明是他的邻居在弹钢琴。A.happened 发生; B.seemed 似乎; C.turned out 证明是; D.went out 外出。前文提到 Giorgio 经常听到低沉的旋律,后文提到 Giorgio 很喜欢对方的音乐甚至想录下来,可以推知 Giorgio 知道了弹奏的是钢琴。turn out 意为“证明是”,表示确定信息。故选 C 项。

 4.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他开始分享视频让邻居弹奏的歌曲能够被所有人听到。sharing videos 意为“分享视频”,这里呼应第一段,在抖音平台上分享视频给他人。故选 B 项。

 5.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在二月,他发布了一条视频说到要邀请他神秘的邻居与他一起弹奏著名的乐曲《我心永恒》。根据后文“to his neighbor asking if the __6__person could play the famous melody My




 On .”中的 ask if 可知,Giorgio 应该是给邻居递了一张便条,约对方一起弹奏。故选 A 项。

 6.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上题。A.happy 开心的;B.emotional 情感的; C.professional 专业的;D.mysterious 神秘的。这时,Giorgio 和邻居还没有见面,所以邻居对他来说是神秘的。故选 D 项。

 7.C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当音乐从墙的另一边传过来的时候,邻居的回答是显而易见的。A.vague 模糊的;B.timely 及时的;C.self-evident 显而易见的;D.negative

 消极的。根据后文“when the piece came from the other side”可知,邻居没有回答 yes还是 no,而是弹奏了那个曲子,所以他的回答是显而易见的,表示同意。故选 C 项。

 8.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一段友谊就开始了。A.legend 传说;B.friendship友谊;C.concert 音乐会;D.journey 旅行。根据后文,一段基于音乐的友谊开始了,邻居死后,Giorgio 还写了信表示纪念。故选 B 项。

 9.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Giorgio 建议弹奏《你的心河》作为二重奏。由后文的 play 可知,该空处应填 suggest。suggest 的虚拟语气,从句为 sb.(should) do sth.。故选 A 项。

 10.C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:刚开始这个意大利人有些紧张。A.innocent 纯洁的;B.serious 严肃的; C.nervous 紧张;D.scared 恐惧的。由后文“but he felt happy the moment he heard the music coming from the other side”可知,刚开始 Giorgio有点紧张,后来听到另一边传来的音乐才开始享受起来。故选 C 项。

 11.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后他们见了面。A.departed 启程;B.reunited重逢;C.responded 回应;D.met 相遇、见面。根据后文“It was Emil and he was 78 years old.__12__ from Poland, Emil’s wife had just passed away and he was staying alone in a temporary accommodation.”可知,俩人终于见面了。故选 D 项。

 12.B 考查副词词义辨析。句意:起初来自波兰。A.Especially 特殊地;B.Originally起初地;C.Roughly 粗糙地;D.Similarly 相似地。由后文“Emil’s wife had just passed away and he was staying alone in a temporary accommodation.”可知,邻居只是暂时住在这里,起初来自波兰。故选 B 项。

 13.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:留给 Emil 唯一的安慰是她的钢琴。A.affection 喜欢;B.hope 希望;C.bond 联系;D.comfort 安慰。根据前文可知,Emil 老伴的去世是令人悲痛的事情,留给他唯一的安慰(...

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